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Pine Tar


Pine Tar is a natural antibacterial agent and has been traditionally utilized for hundreds of years for a variety of applications. Blended with Cocoa, Shea Butter, and Hempseed Oil, this soap allows for a luxurious experience for your skin. Our special formulation of oak moss and amber adds a uniquely pleasing unisex scent.

Ingredients: Olive oil, Distilled Water, Coconut Oil, Shea Butter, Cocoa Butter, Sodium Hydroxide, Castor Oil, Hempseed Oil, Pine Tar, Colloidal Oatmeal, Kaolin Clay, Sodium Lactate, Tussah Silk. Scented.        

Qty: 1 bar 

Our soap is handcrafted, and color/design may vary from bar to bar. To extend the life of your soap we suggest keeping it dry between uses. For your convenience, we offer some great soap saver options. 


For external use only. Should be kept out of eyes and not used on sensitive areas. Please ensure you review the ingredients before use. For best results, wet skin, apply soap and lather before rinsing.