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Clay Mask: Bentonite-Charcoal


Our Clay Masks are uniquely formulated with a blend of Earth Clays so you can experience spa level facials in the comfort of your home.

Bentonite Clay has great absorption properties. Paired with Activated Charcoal for detoxifying and Turmeric for anti-inflammatory values, make this mask ideal for all types of skin including oily. These are great as feet masks as well.

Bentonite & Charcoal Mask comes in a reusable container that holds 1.5 oz of dry mask ingredients that will yield 9-10 masks and is accompanied with a wooden spoon.

Simply use one spoonful of dry Clay Mask and add a little water to create a paste. Apply on a clean, dry face and allow to dry (approximately 5-10 minutes). Rinse with warm water and pat dry.  Water can be substituted for any type of liquid or cream like Coconut or Goats Milk, Rose Water, Aloe Vera, or even Yogurt.  We suggest doing a small test area first to ensure you have no skin irritation before applying full mask to face. 

Recommended usage: Weekly.

Bentonite and Charcoal  (1.5 oz Clay Mask):  $10.00

Bentonite Clay, Activated Charcoal, Organic Turmeric.  Each Container includes clay to make 9-10 masks and includes a wooden spoon.  Jars are filled by weight, not volume.